Group of students on graduation day


The award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Practice is based on a combination of the results of two examination papers and two coursework assignments. Each paper and the coursework constitute one third of the overall assessment. Students must pass each paper and the coursework. There is no system of compensation. The pass mark for the examinations and the coursework is 40%. A Distinction is awarded to those who obtain an overall average mark of 70% or more in both the coursework and two papers combined at the summer examination. The Diploma awarding ceremony takes place in November. 

Group of students on graduation day


The award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Practice is based on a combination of the results of two examination papers and two coursework assignments. Each paper and the coursework constitute one third of the overall assessment. Students must pass each paper and the coursework. There is no system of compensation. The pass mark for the examinations and the coursework is 40%. A Distinction is awarded to those who obtain an overall average mark of 70% or more in both the coursework and two papers combined at the summer examination. The Diploma awarding ceremony takes place in November.

Wind farms and solar panelsimage/*

(NOTE: If the image is at or wider than the content area the image will fit the full width of the content area and will reduce nicely and proportiionately/responsively into all mobile screens) The award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Practice is based on a combination of the results of two examination papers and two coursework assignments. Each paper and the coursework constitute one third of the overall assessment. Students must pass each paper and the coursework. There is no system of compensation. The pass mark for the examinations and the coursework is 40%. A Distinction is awarded to those who obtain an overall average mark of 70% or more in both the coursework and two papers combined at the summer examination. The Diploma awarding ceremony takes place in November.

Group of students on graduation day


The award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Practice is based on a combination of the results of two examination papers and two coursework assignments. Each paper and the coursework constitute one third of the overall assessment. Students must pass each paper and the coursework. There is no system of compensation. The pass mark for the examinations and the coursework is 40%. A Distinction is awarded to those who obtain an overall average mark of 70% or more in both the coursework and two papers combined at the summer examination. The Diploma awarding ceremony takes place in November.

Group of students on graduation day


The award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Practice is based on a combination of the results of two examination papers and two coursework assignments. Each paper and the coursework constitute one third of the overall assessment. Students must pass each paper and the coursework. There is no system of compensation. The pass mark for the examinations and the coursework is 40%. A Distinction is awarded to those who obtain an overall average mark of 70% or more in both the coursework and two papers combined at the summer examination. The Diploma awarding ceremony takes place in November.

Group of students on graduation dayimage/normal

(NOTE: is not responsive) The award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Fire Safety Practice is based on a combination of the results of two examination papers and two coursework assignments. Each paper and the coursework constitute one third of the overall assessment. Students must pass each paper and the coursework. There is no system of compensation. The pass mark for the examinations and the coursework is 40%. A Distinction is awarded to those who obtain an overall average mark of 70% or more in both the coursework and two papers combined at the summer examination. The Diploma awarding ceremony takes place in November


(NOTE: using this option deletes content, adds instead an unstyled version of the T4 UI - so causes chaos - would be best to remove it from the options)

Test for 7th Sept 2022

Brian Caulfield, Head of Department

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porta fringilla ipsum sit amet tempor. Fusce id quam sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras fringilla feugiat nulla, eu vestibulum leo pharetra bibendum. Mauris varius viverra purus, sit amet accumsan ligula bibendum eget. Aliquam a suscipit dolor. Nunc efficitur nulla vel arcu varius euismod.

Cras diam nisl, gravida at quam sed, cursus gravida lorem. Pellentesque sit amet tempor arcu. Nulla facilisi. Donec sit amet nisl lorem. Proin placerat libero maximus mi sollicitudin tincidunt. Vestibulum augue turpis, vestibulum ut dolor et, congue fermentum justo. Donec blandit, lectus sed tristique blandit, libero urna sollicitudin enim, ut fringilla enim dui sed est. Nullam ut sodales nibh. Nulla libero mauris, tristique ac finibus ac, commodo eget lectus. Integer venenatis cursus massa nec condimentum. Mauris sit amet purus lacus. Suspendisse arcu felis, commodo et ex vitae, tempus posuere risus. Morbi sagittis libero velit, vitae pharetra magna mattis quis. Proin feugiat bibendum ultricies. Nam a rhoncus dolor.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed dignissim libero eu feugiat molestie. Suspendisse sollicitudin lobortis ante, fermentum dapibus magna auctor ac. Maecenas quis erat congue, lobortis massa in, iaculis metus. Mauris cursus scelerisque tortor, sit amet tempor purus. Sed felis risus, eleifend eu efficitur sit amet, eleifend at enim. Nullam ac leo tristique enim fermentum lobortis nec in ex. Nunc convallis, lorem fringilla posuere aliquam, nulla sapien varius risus, a ullamcorper lacus turpis et massa. Proin vitae dui erat. Donec ut eleifend orci, ac rhoncus massa. Sed malesuada libero velit, eu gravida justo feugiat nec. Curabitur semper rutrum tortor in pharetra.

Course Content

  • Fundamentals of Fire Science and Fire Engineering
  • Fire Safety Engineering
  • Fire Protection Systems
  • Legal Principles; Fire, Safety and Health Legislation, Insurances
  • The Building Control Act, 1990 and Building Regulations (TGD B)
  • The Fire Services Acts, 1981 and 2003
  • Coursework Assignments