Practice Educators Resources

The Practice Educator’s role is to provide physiotherapy students with a learning experience within their specialty area, encourage and support students learning, and assess each student's clinical and professional competence within that area.

Practice Educators fulfil their role in partnership with, and with the support of, the  Practice Education Team.

The students' level of competence is determined by the appropriate Common Assessment Form (CAF)

Practice Educators new to assessing students should consult with a member of the Practice Education Team when marking the CAF.

The Level 1 form should be used for : Placement 1

The Level 2 form should be used for: Placement 2 and Placement 3

The Level 3 form should be used for: Placement 4, and Placement 5

A list of the other documentation which should be completed for each placement is available here.

A variety of learning activities are recognised by CORU for Continuing Professional Development and can be added to your CPD Portfolio. Please click here for more information on these activities. 

The Discipline of Physiotherapy supports physiotherapists in developing their role as practice educators through provision of study days, website and links to other online resources, local education sessions, on-site practice tutors, site visits from regional placement facilitators (RPF) and/or the practice education co-ordinator (PEC) as required.

Practice Education Study Days are run annually in conjunction with University College Dublin (UCD), to address the learning needs of all Practice Educators.

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