How do we ensure the coevolution of science and society is built on trust, understanding and high quality engagement?
The Inclusion in Education & Society (IES) Research Group, School of Education are excited to invite you to attend our research seminar where we will be discussing all things “inclusion”.
In celebration of European Languages Day in September, researchers in Language Education in Trinity’s School of Education will interrogate the central role that language plays in all of our lives.
Research Seminar 'How to join a research group'. This seminar will involve a panel of staff in the School of Education providing an overview of the research groups and research centres in the School.
Research Seminar - How to turn your research into a podcast. This seminar will involve a panel of staff in the School of Education sharing their advice on how to use podcasting as a means to grow and promote your research.
A virtual gathering of thinkers, researchers and the incurably curious. The series will explore the evolutionary and revolutionary kinship between two approaches to understanding the universe and our place within it.
A series of easy and accessible videos to help parents who are home schooling young children has been developed by researchers in Trinity in collaboration with colleagues in Marino Institute of Education and Limerick & Clare ETB.
We have brought together experts in 4 fields to provide supports for schools and teachers in planning their communications to parents.
The Covid-19 Parent Survey, carried out by Trinity College Dublin, is the second in a series of three reports on the impact of Covid school closures on education in Ireland.
Students and staff from School of Education adapted quickly to re-invent their studies and roles to a more positive approach in dealing with the pandemic.
This report is based on a major national study - ‘School Leadership in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis’.
We have produced short videos on how families can support young children with their literacy, numeracy and creativity in 5 languages (Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Romanian and Spanish) as well as in English.
We have produced 6 short videos on how families can support young children with their numeracy during the school shutdown.
Inside. Outside. And beyond. aims to examine whether, and how, the lock down restrictions have re-written the boundaries of inclusion and exclusion, and perceived sense of belonging, in young refugees and migrants recently arrived in Dublin.