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Some students have significant external responsibilities that need to be organised around classes and assignments (e.g. child rearing or other caring duties, hospital appointments etc.).
Many other students may have extra-curricular activities or part-time employment that needs to be arranged around College. When students receive clear and timely notice of class and assessment timetables they can organise their time effectively, ensuring their study gets ample attention while allowing for a suitable work-life balance.
Making timetables available to students in advance of the teaching term allows students to organise their weekly timetable in advance.
Ensure students receive their timetables in plenty of time before the beginning of term.
When arranging timetables consider student workload per day, rest periods, and distance between teaching venues.
Ensure students:
This allows students to pace their study over the course of the year, taking account of, and proactively meeting, any periods with multiple deadlines. This will also provide the opportunity to find any potential difficulties arising from 'deadline overload' when it is possible to deal with it effectively.